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You can download our corporate logo and service/product logos. Please refer to the "Logo Guidelines" for usage.

Logo Guidelines

For our partners and media, we have prepared Logo Guidelines for files and usage. Please click on the link below to download the document according to your intended use.

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Product Images

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Board Members

Download board member biographies and photos. These can be used to introduce our services, articles and at events and ceremonies in which we participate.



櫻庭 康人

Sakuraba Yasuhito

Founded and spearheads Tenchijin with a diverse human network and a wealth of new business development experience acquired through the establishment and expansion of MindScope Corporation, Sense Sprout Inc. and other companies. His knowledge ranges from hardware to software, and he designs Tenchijin services from a business perspective.



百束 泰俊

Hyakusoku Yasutoshi

Joined the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in 2004. He is an expert in Earth observation satellites, having been involved in the entire development process of the GPM main satellite for precipitation observation and the IBUKI-2 satellite for greenhouse gas observation as a JAXA employee and was stationed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. While specializing in project management of large-scale systems, he also creates business ideas by utilizing various earth observation data including satellites developed by himself. Co-founder of Tenchijin.
