Message from the CEO
“I believe that the more Tenchijin's services spread in the world, better the socity will be”
Work is a part of life. That's why we aim to have a reasonable relationship with both the Earth and our work, and focus on creating an environment where people can enjoy their work while having fun. Tenchijin uses smart big data to solve corporate issues and global environmental and social problems from a space perspective. The more services Tenchijin provides to the world, the better society becomes. Why don't you join us in activities that are meaningful for the planet and for humanity?
CEOYasuhito Sakuraba

Tenchijin in Numbers
Tenchijin is a collective of autonomous members adept at self-management, striking a balance between freedom and responsibility. Our core values emphasize the importance of prioritizing family and health, underscoring our dedication to fostering happiness and enjoyment for ourselves and our loved ones.
Once a month, we introduce a member who works at Tenjin.
InterviewOnce a month, we introduce a member who works at Tenjin.
A translator who connects lonely challengers to ea...
- Yoko Kamimura
Graduate students who want to become public servan...
- Kazuki Okada
A businessman with a Ph.D. and an MBA. Business De...
- Adrien-Lemal
01Leave System(Eligible: Full-time employees)
- Birthday Special Leave
- This system allows employees to take paid leave up to twice a year, one month before or after the birthday of their spouse, partner, child, etc.
- Nursing care leave
- This system allows employees who take care of a family member in need of nursing care to take up to five days off with pay for one family member or up to ten days off with pay for two or more family members in one year. Note: This is an unpaid leave for non-regular employees.
- Menstrual leave and Pregnancy Leave
- This system allows female employees who are suffering from a health condition peculiar to women or are undergoing fertility treatment to take up to one paid leave per month as "F leave".
02Childcare Leave System(Eligible: Full-time employees)
- Nursing leave
- This system allows employees who care for a child up to elementary school age to take paid leave for nursing up to five days for one child and up to ten days for two or more children in one year. Note: This is an unpaid leave for non-full-time employees.
- Special leave for events
- This system allows employees taking care of children up to junior high school age to take paid leave up to twice a year for events such as the child's entrance into school, graduation, and school visits.
03Congratulatory Money System(Eligible: Full-time employees)
- Congratulatory money for childbirth
- When an employee has a baby, we pay 30,000 yen as a congratulatory gift.
- Congratulatory money for enrollment in preschool or kindergarten
- 30,000 yen is given to employees when their child enters nursery school or kindergarten (or any other school), elementary school, or junior high school.
- Congratulatory Money for Marriage
- When an employee gets married, we provide up to 50,000 yen per person as a congratulatory gift. In the case of a marriage between two employees, either one of them will receive the amount.
04Various Assistance(Eligible: Full-time, part-time, and part-time employees)
- Skill improvement assistance
- Subsidies are provided for transportation and participation expenses for those who attend work-related certifications and seminars and participate in work-related events.
- Overseas conference assistance
- We provide subsidies for transportation and participation expenses for employees who attend work-related certifications and seminars and participate in work-related events.
- Assistance for purchasing books
- Subsidies are provided for actual expenses for the purchase of books related to the work.
*Eligible employees: Full-time and Part-time workers included
- Subsidy for purchase of equipment
- Subsidies will be provided for actual expenses for transportation and participation in work-related qualifications, seminars, and work-related events.
*Eligible employees: Full-time and Part-time workers included
- Subsidy for team lunch
- When employees engage in internal exchanges on the job the company will provide a subsidy once every 3 months for the actual cost of lunch.
*Eligible employees: Full-time and Part-time workers included
- Subsidy for team drinking parties
- Subsidy for drinking party once every six months for team members.
*Eligible employees: Full-time and Part-time workers included